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Saturday, March 3, 2012

1. In the Future, the World Operates 24 Hours a Day.

In the future...Nothing closes, ever. This is because of overpopulation. We now operate on a 24 hour schedule, with everyone being either assigned to the " Day Shift," or the "Night Shift." During the Night Shift, everything is lit by artificial sunlight. This means that it is light outside 24/7. Everyone owns blackout curtains so when they are able to sleep despite this light. It causes some people problems, but we have developed medication for the people who don't get real sunlight. Even schools are open 24/7, with people typically being assigned to go to school at the same time as their parents work. Some apartment buildings in poor neighborhoods are rented out to two people. (You get the first 12 hours, they get the second 12 hours, and everyone shares on the weekend, which has been reduced to one day.)

1 comment:

  1. This will raise interesting constitutional questions about assignment to whichever shift (legitimate mechanisms for such) and due process concerns over the laws/ordinances created that classify people based on their "shift". Also, there will have to be a landmark decision which validates the limitation of free association (to choose friends, spouse, family) based on conflicting schedules.

    As for the accuracy of this foresight. Eerily so.
